Home » Ove ćemo skakače gledati na Red Bull Cliff Divingu u septembru u Mostaru
Ove ćemo skakače gledati na Red Bull Cliff Divingu u septembru u Mostaru
20 Marta, 2020
Red Bull Cliff Diving Svjetsko prvenstvo u septembru šesti put dolazi u našu zemlju, a na Starom mostu će nastupiti po 14 najboljih svjetskih skakača i skakačica. Poznata je i stalna skakačka postava za sezonu 2020, odnosno po osam imena u obje konkurencije koja su osigurala učešće na svim ovogodišnjim stanicama, pa tako i na novom sportskom spektaklu u gradu na Neretvi.
Dvanaesta Red Bull Cliff Diving sezona imat će osam stanica širom svijeta. Sedma, pretposljednja stanica je planirana za septembar u Mostaru, a nadati je se da će do tada i vanredne mjere biti prošlost i da će mostarska publika šestu godinu uzastopno moći nesmetano uživati u čarolijama svjetske cliff diving elite. U ovom uzbudljivom i atraktivnom sportu muškarci skaču sa 27, a žene sa 21 metra visine, izvodeći u zraku akrobacije koje oduzimaju dah.
Red Bull Cliff Diving u grad na Neretvi redovito donese ne samo prvorazredni sportski spektakl, već u danima (i večerima) takmičenja ožive i ulice Starog grada uz bogat program Old Town Street Festa. Na nekoliko festivalskih bina, popularni izvođači iz BiH i regije za Mostarce i njihove goste priređuju sjajnu atmosferu na brojnim koncertima i partyjima.
Ove godine stalna takmičarska postava prvenstva broji po osam skakača i skakačica koji će nastupiti na svim stanicama, a uz njih će na svakoj od stanica biti još po šest skakača i skakačica s pozivnicama.
Jacqueline Valente of Brazil reacts after diving from the 21 metre platform on Stari Most during the first competition day of the sixth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 23, 2019. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21BRKX8112111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Iris Schmidbauer of Germany reacts after diving from the 21 metre platform on Stari Most during the first competition day of the sixth stop at the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 7, 2018. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-1WU29XRE12111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Gary Hunt of Great Britain dives from the 27 metre platform on Stari Most during the final competition day of the sixth stop at the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 8, 2018. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-1WUC5XF892111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Eleanor Townsend Smart of the USA dives from the 21 metre platform on Stari Most during the first competition day of the fifth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series at Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 15, 2017. // Dean Treml/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-1T85B1KHD1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
David Colturi of the United States reacts after diving from the 27 metre platform on Stari Most during the first competition day of the sixth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 23, 2019. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21BRKHZ9W2112 // Usage for editorial use only //
Constantin Popovici of Romania reacts after diving from the 27 metre platform on Stari Most during the final competition day of the sixth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 24, 2019. // Dean Treml/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21C15WD9W2111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Andy Jones of the USA dives from the 27 metre platform on Stari Most during the final competition day of the sixth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 24, 2019. // Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21BZJ1GYH2111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Alessandro De Rose of Italy reacts after diving from the 27 metre platform on Stari Most during the first competition day of the sixth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 23, 2019. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21BRKWBZ92111 // Usage for editorial use only //
Članovi i članice stalne skakačke postave, koje ćemo sigurno gledati na Starom mostu, su: Alessandro De Rose, Andy Jones, Constantin Popovici, David Colturi, Gary Hunt, Jonathan Paredes, Michal Navratil i Steven LoBue (MUŠKARCI), te Eleanor Smart, Iris Schmidbauer, Jacqueline Valente, Jessica Macaulay, Lysanne Richard, Maria Paula Quintero, Rhiannan Iffland i Yana Nestsiarava (ŽENE).
Svi su oni prethodnih godina već nastupali u Mostaru, tako da su im dobro poznati izazovi Starog mosta i brze Neretve, ali i zadovoljstvo skakanja uz zdušnu podršku vatrene mostarske publike.