Takmičenje najboljih se nastavlja u ponedjeljak. Našem timu čestitamo i želimo mnogo sreće! Ponosni smo na naše govornike Aminu Hasanović i Farisa Muratovića, kao i istraživački tim koji je pomogao u pripremi: Elbisu Halvadžić, Zerinu Spahić i Enisu Varupa. Čestitamo i trenerima prof.dr.sc. Larisi Velić i ass.mr.iur. Amni Hrustić. Zahvala za eksternu pomoć ide i gospodinu Jose Magnaye iz Beča, te gospodinu Andres Eduardo Alvardo Garzon iz Saarlanda. Posebno hvala gospodinu Johanessu P. Willheimu, advokatu iz Beča na velikoj angažiranosti, podršci i pomoći u pripremama za takmičenje, saopćili su s Pravnog fakulteta UNZE.
The University of Zenica, Faculty of Law advanced to the top 16 best universities in the world in the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court! The competition continues on Monday. We congratulate to our team and we wish them the best of luck. We are really proud of our speakers Amina Hasanovic and Faris Muratovic, as well as our researchers Elbisa Halvadzic, Zerina Spahic and Enisa Varupa. We congratulate to the coaches prof. dr. Larisa Velic and Amna Hrustic, MA iur. Credits for the success go to Mr. Jose Magnaye from Vienna and to Mr. Andres Eduardo Alvardo Garzon from Saarland. Special thanks to Mr. Johannes P. Willheim, lawyer from Vienna for his engagement, support and help during the preparations for the moot.